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air pollution notes
LECTURE NOTES. ON. AIR POLLUTION AND CONTROL. (A70136). IV B. Tech I Semester (JNTUH-R15). By. Mr. SRINIVAS ANGADI. Assistant Professor. Excerpts from Lecture notes of Professor M. Ashraf Ali, BUET. Page 2. AIR POLLUTION. • Air Pollution may be defined as any atmospheric condition. Ozone (O3). Gaseous pollutant when it is formed in the troposphere. Formed from other air pollutants in the presence of sunlight. Eye and throatAir Pollution. OPTIONAL MODULE - 1. Notes. Environmental Chemistry rganisms have a close inter-relationship with their immediate environment. Oxygen. Air pollution is a change in the physical, chemical and biological characteristic of air that causes adverse effects on humans and other organisms. LECTURE NOTES: Air Pollution Measurement. Composition of the Atmosphere. Atmospheric constituents can be classed in two groups: (i) well mixed, Effects of Air Pollution on other animals & plants · ozone - weakens pine needles & makes them more susceptible to insects & diseases · sulfur dioxide -
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